Women’s Scottish Cup




Brand Identity - Civic


Bright Signals


Scottish Football Association


We’ve worked with the Scottish Football Association (SFA) for years, so we had a deep understanding of the family brand suite. This put us in the perfect position to develop a new brand identity for The Women’s Scottish Cup.

It was key for the new identity to have a progressive and future-facing look and feel, but we had to remain mindful of the beloved historical roots of the wider SFA brand. Not an easy task to create an ownable visual asset which would have as much strength and conceptual grounding as the iconic lion rampant.

We challenged ourselves to ‘subvert the traditional’ with a meaningful and emotive concept. And along the way, our research led us to Charles Rennie Mackintosh.

Our insight was that everyone knows something of Charles Rennie Mackintosh, but how many of us were aware of his wife and fellow designer, Margaret Mackintosh? A source of inspiration and a co-creator who rarely receives credit.

As a female Scottish figure of enduring legacy and significance, her story and work provided the perfect back story for the brand marque. Taking inspiration from one of her early artworks, we then redrew and modernised the famous Mackintosh rose. This spherical shape provided us with the basis of a football, shaping what would become the main visual asset within our brand marque and overall visual style. We then developed the new visual identity via a full set of brand guidelines. Our colour palette was selected to mirror the core colours of the SFA. This ensured that the brand identity would fit seamlessly within the SFA brand family.

The Women’s Scottish Cup is the embodiment of the groundswell of positivity the sport is generating. This competition symbolises new-beginnings - empowering girls and women to reach further and growing confidence in the next generation of football fans. With the campaign tagline of “Tomorrow is Now”, we created a motivational campaign rally cry. “We were so pleased with the visual identity created that we incorporated it into the trophy design for the competition; it is something that will stand the test of time.

The research and work put into the project development was diligent, creative and exactly what we look for with an agency. They have helped us to create a brand worthy of what we want the Women’s Scottish Cup to be – Scotland’s premier Women’s Cup competition.”

Jack Evans, Marketing & Social Media Manager